Android alphabetical fast scrollview in RecyclerView with Collapsing toolbar

we want some Knowledge of SectionIndexer. Here is Doc of SectionIndexer. We have to set TRUE setFastScrollEnabled(true) method, which is used with the LISTVIEW…….You can use recyclerview instead of listView in the below example…. this is activity public class FastScoll extends ListActivity { ListView fruitView; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_fast_scoll); fruitView = … Read more

How to add a fast-scroller to the RecyclerView

I stumbled on this question a few days ago when I ran into this situation. Here is my example implementation of FastScroll for RecyclerView: Try running the example application, and peruse the code to see a fairly simple usage of a simple RecyclerViewFastScroller widget. There is information on github, but I’ll include the basic … Read more