Fastlane : [altool] Error: Unable to upload archive. Failed to get authorization for username and password

Hello I was struggling with this issue for many days. Solution Step 1 Go to login in and go to App-Specific Passwords, after generate a new App Specific Password copy it. Step2 Inside fastlane folder create a new file .env.default and add the two properties . FASTLANE_USER=<Apple USER ID> FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD=<App-Specific Password> Use an app-specific … Read more

Getting error “Need to acknowledge to Apple’s Apple ID and Privacy statement.”

Summary: Case 1: * You don’t want 2FA enabled Update Gemfile with fastlane 2.173.0 and run bundle install, bundle update fastlane, or bundle update Use SPACESHIP_SKIP_2FA_UPGRADE=1 in your CI Case 2: * You have 2FA enabled * You only need non-enterprise account Generate APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY from appstore connect using an Account Holder role. It looks like … Read more