Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:71:19)

Node.js v17 moved to OpenSSL v3.0. You could try switching to v16, or set ENV NODE_OPTIONS=”–openssl-legacy-provider” in your Dockerfile, or update your start script in package.json to use react-scripts –openssl-legacy-provider start (or similar depending on your specific start script). There is an issue you can follow here:

GMail appearing to ignore Reply-To

Take a look at this thread; I think it answers your question. One of the later posts reads: If the “From” address is either the same as the “To” address, or is configured in GMail Settings as one of the ‘Send As…’ accounts, Gmail replies to the “To” address instead of the “Reply-To” address. An … Read more

Measuring Human-Flatulence Propagating Wave Packet on the iPhone

Take a look into FMOD and OpenAL Being written in c/c++, both of these libraries can easily be linked against standard iPhone code to be compiled against the ARM architecture of the iPhone. They are both capable of extracting the information you require from the audio stream of the iPhone’s microphone … Read more