Undo closed tab in Eclipse?
Try Alt + ← that will go backward in history – if tab is closed it will reopen it.
Try Alt + ← that will go backward in history – if tab is closed it will reopen it.
Sharing eclipse specific settings across workspaces: Go to ${old_workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings Copy everything under the above directory to ${new_workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings This is going to make sure that the ${new_workspace} is having the same configuration as the ${old_workspace} Hope this helps. Update in case of any issues.
Right click on the Eclipse project in the Package Explorer, select Refactor, then select Move… In the dialog that comes up, enter or navigate to the new location and click OK. This will also preserve your CVS or other SCM metadata, but will also bring all your modifications as well, and you won’t lose any … Read more
From http://help.eclipse.org/help21/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm: Use the following command-line argument: -data your_workspace_location For example, -data c:\users\robert\myworkspace you can also use UNIX-style relative path names such as -data ../workspace even under Windows, in case something doesnt like colons or backslashes in parameters, like Jumplist Launcher