What are the essentials of real-time distributed systems?

What are the essentials of distributed real-time systems? A distributed real-time system composes two challenging sets of properties which are imposed by the problem domain or the solution domain (or both.) Distributed A distributed system links a number of independent computing entities with local properties by way of a communication mechanism. As a consequence, algorithms … Read more

What are some scenarios for which MPI is a better fit than MapReduce?

Almost any scientific code — finite differences, finite elements, etc. Which kind of leads to the circular answer, that any distributed program which doesn’t easily map to MapReduce would be better implemented with a more general MPI model. Not sure that’s much help to you, I’ll downvote this answer right after I post it.

Contradiction in Lamport’s Paxos made simple paper

You missed something in step 7. When C processes accept 100:b it sets its state to C(100:b,100). By accepting a value the node is also promising to not accept earlier values. Update. I’ve been thinking about this all month because I knew the above answer was not absolutely correct. What’s more I looked through several … Read more

Microservices: What are smart endpoints and dumb pipes?

I didn’t read the article, so I can only speculate what he can mean exactly, but as he gives ESB as an example against microservices and ZeroMQ as an example for micro services I hope my speculation will be pretty exact: One of the ideas of Unix (and Linux) is to build small independent applications … Read more

Redis,distributed or not?

Regarding question 1, Redis is an in-memory store with some persistency capabilities. All your dataset should fit in memory. A single instance is therefore limited by the maximum memory of your server. Now, you can also shard the data to several Redis instances, running on multiple servers. Provided you have the budget for it, it … Read more

Best way to aggregate multiple log files from several servers [closed]

Probably the lightest-weight solution for real-time log watching is to use Dancer’s shell in concurrent mode with tail -f: dsh -Mac — tail -f /var/log/apache/*.log The -a is for all machine names that you’ve defined in ~/.dsh/machines.list The -c is for concurrent running of tail The -M prepends the hostname to every line of output.