Data Sharing between Fragments and Activity in Android

Many ways : 1) Activity -> Fragment In your Activity : create a bundle and use fragment.setArguments(bundle) in your Fragment : use Bundle bundle = getArguments() 2) Activity -> Fragment In your Fragment : create a public method In your Activity : call an active fragment public method : getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById( 3) Fragment -> Activity In … Read more

Using special auto start servlet to initialize on startup and share application data

None of both is the better approach. Servlets are intended to listen on HTTP events (HTTP requests), not on deployment events (startup/shutdown). CDI/EJB unavailable? Use ServletContextListener @WebListener public class Config implements ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { // Do stuff during webapp’s startup. } public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) { // Do stuff during webapp’s … Read more

Sync data between Android App and webserver [closed]

I’ll try to answer all your questions by addressing the larger question: How can I sync data between a webserver and an android app? Syncing data between your webserver and an android app requires a couple of different components on your android device. Persistent Storage: This is how your phone actually stores the data it … Read more