CSS selector for element within element with inline style?

A bit late to the tea party but thought I would share the solution I found & use. @simone’s answer is perfect if you can match the style attribute exactly. However, if you need to target an inline style attribute that may have other inline styles associated with it you can use: p[style*=”text-align:center;”] “*=” means … Read more

When input has :focus, dont trigger :hover styles

There’s an specific CSS selector for this, the :not selector. And it has good compatibility: a:hover:not(:focus) { color: magenta; } a:focus:not(:hover) { color: cyan; } <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24923647/example.com”>Stackoverflow</a> I also suggest you give preference to the focus event, since it’s somewhat more “static” than the hover state, with something like this: a:hover:not(:focus) { color: magenta; } … Read more

How to get element by its partial class name CSS

In the same way you can do this .class.class2.class3 { /*styles*/ } to target only things that have all 3 classes, you can can combine attribute selectors to do the same: [class*=”mybuttons-button”][class*=”-large”] { /*styles*/ } Granted it won’t work in a case like this: <span class=”my-buttons-button-color-small something-else-large”></span> since it contains both mybuttons-button and -large. If … Read more

CSS: last-child of parent

You can use .parent > *:last-child or just .parent > :last-child An asterisk (*) is the universal selector for CSS. It matches a single element of any type. Omitting the asterisk with simple selectors has the same effect. .parent > *:last-child { background-color: red; } <div class=”parent”> <p>First child</p> <input type=”text” placeholder=”Second child” /> <div>Third … Read more

CSS for element SELECT multiple=yes

First things first, in order for a select element to not be in multi-selection mode, the multiple attribute must be entirely omitted. Even if you set multiple=”no” or multiple=”false”, the standard behavior is the same as HTML multiple or XHTML multiple=”multiple”. For more information, refer to the HTML spec. With this in mind, use the … Read more

Use nth-child as CSS variable

Please remember that you can assign variables in CSS too. :nth-child(1) { –nth-child: 1 } :nth-child(2) { –nth-child: 2 } :nth-child(3) { –nth-child: 3 } Then you can apply it like this: animation: fade-in calc(var(–nth-child) * 1s) 1s forwards; And here come some demo.

CSS selector for a child element whose parent element has a certain class

To select strong elements that are descendants of an element with class commandBar, use the descendant combinator along with a class selector: .commandBar strong In order to only select direct children strong elements, use the child combinator, >: .commandBar > strong Depending on your markup, you may also want to specify the element type that … Read more
