Lose EF Code First Migration when working on different TFS branches?

An EF migration step contains a metadata file, that has a signature of the model that is the result of the migration step. The problem when merging is that the signature of the migration done in branch B doesn’t include the stuff done in the migration in branch A. As long as the migrations are … Read more

Join Two Arrays in ColdFusion

Not really, but guess what, just use Java! 🙂 <cfset foo = [1,2,3]> <cfset bar = [4,5,6]> <cfset foo.addAll( bar )> reference: Java’s Collection Interface API. source: http://www.aliaspooryorik.com/blog/index.cfm/e/posts.details/post/merging-two-arrays-267

Once grammar is complete, what’s the best way to walk an ANTLR v4 tree?

I wouldn’t walk this manually if I were you. After generating a lexer and parser, ANTLR would also have generated a file called CfscriptBaseListener that has empty methods for all of your parser rules. You can let ANTLR walk your tree and attach a custom tree-listener in which you override only those methods/rules you’re interested … Read more

Is there a way to ‘listen’ for a database event and update a page in real time?

This isn’t too difficult. The simple way would be to add via .append: $( ‘#table > tbody:last’).append(‘<tr id=”id”><td>stuff</td></tr>’); Adding elements real-time isn’t entirely possible. You’d have to run an Ajax query that updates in a loop to “catch” the change. So, not totally real-time, but very, very close to it. Your user really wouldn’t notice … Read more