chef-solo ssl warning when provisioning

This warning was introduced in Chef 11.12.0. See the release notes for details: When ssl_verify_mode is set to :verify_none, Chef will print a warning. Use knife ssl check to test SSL connectivity and then add ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer to your configuration file to fix the warning. Though :verify_none is currently the default, this will be changed … Read more

How can you use a Chef recipe to set an environment variable?

If you need an env var set strictly within the Chef process, you can use ENV[‘foo’] = ‘bar‘ since it’s a ruby process. If you need to set one for an execute provider, Chef exposes an environment hash: execute ‘Bootstrap the database’ do cwd “#{app_dir}/current” command “#{env_cmd} rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env}” environment ‘HOME’ => … Read more

Vagrant provisioning shell vs puppet vs chef

The following article concerns yet another CM tool (ansible), but I think the author does an excellent job of explaining the benefits of transitioning away from shell scripts. quote 1: What really surprised me was the response from some of these more famous devs. They basically said, “This is really cool, but I probably … Read more

Can I modify the ownership for a shared folder in vagrant?

As @StephenKing suggests you can change the options of the whole directory. The relevant function is not documented but the source tells us: # File ‘lib/vagrant/config/vm.rb’, line 53 def share_folder(name, guestpath, hostpath, opts=nil) @shared_folders[name] = { :guestpath => guestpath.to_s, :hostpath => hostpath.to_s, :create => false, :owner => nil, :group => nil, :nfs => false, :transient … Read more