cassandra get all records in time range

The timeout is because Cassandra is taking longer than the timeout (default is 10 seconds) to return the data. For your query, Cassandra will attempt to fetch the entire dataset before returning. For more than a few records this can easily take longer than the timeout. For queries that are producing lots of data you … Read more

How to choose between Cassandra, Membase, Hadoop, MongoDB, RDBMS etc.? [closed]

EDIT The NoSQL Ecosystem by Adam Marcus (from the book The Architecture of open source applications): general thoughts and comparison technical comparison a Master’s Thesis – Analysis and Classification of NoSQL Databases,5&as_vis=1

What’s the difference between creating a table and creating a columnfamily in Cassandra?

To answer the original question you posed: a column family and a table are the same thing. The name “column family” was used in the older Thrift API. The name “table” is used in the newer CQL API. More info on the APIs can be found here: If you need to use “group by,order … Read more

What is the relationship between Spark, Hadoop and Cassandra

Spark is a distributed in memory processing engine. It does not need to be paired with Hadoop, but since Hadoop is one of the most popular big data processing tools, Spark is designed to work well in that environment. For example, Hadoop uses the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) to store its data, so Spark … Read more

Import and export schema in cassandra

To export keyspace schema: cqlsh -e “DESC KEYSPACE user” > user_schema.cql To export entire database schema: cqlsh -e “DESC SCHEMA” > db_schema.cql To import schema open terminal at ‘user_schema.cql’ (‘db_schema.cql’) location (or you can specify the full path) and open cqlsh shell. Then use the following command to import keyspace schema: source ‘user_schema.cql’ To import … Read more