AudioUnit: Error reported by mediaserverd – “Error ‘what’ getting client format for physical format”
AudioUnit: Error reported by mediaserverd – “Error ‘what’ getting client format for physical format”
AudioUnit: Error reported by mediaserverd – “Error ‘what’ getting client format for physical format”
Admittedly, I didn’t know anything about your issue before, so I did a little bit of looking at your code, and at Mac Developer’s CoreAudioOverview.pdf which led me all over the place. I didn’t see anything too sneaky going on in your code. It looks quite tight, but I did wonder about these lines: // … Read more
You can make something out of CSS or SQLite. This is why OSStatus result = AUGraphStart(au_play_graph); if (noErr != result) { print_error(“AUGraphStart”, result); playing = NO; } return playing; } Try to just manipulate this code, there is a problem with Booleans in your code…