Testing ViewPager (and CursorLoader) with Robolectric

I’m not certain, but I would wager that the internal code is trying to use an AsyncTask to invoke the cursor loader’s loadInBackground() method. You might be seeing a deadlock because the AsyncTask tries to invoke onPostExecute(). That call will try to run in your main UI thread, which happens to be the thread of … Read more

matches(not(isDisplayed())) fails with NoMatchingViewException

Need to use doesNotExist() instead. Found here. If the view is there in the view hierarchy but in an invisible state (visibility is set to ‘INVISIBLE’), use not(isDisplayed). However, if the view is not there at all in the view hierarchy (e.g. visibility set to ‘GONE’), doesNotExist() is used.

Google Espresso or Robotium [closed]

Full disclosure: I am one of Espresso’s authors. Both Espresso and Robotium are instrumentation-based frameworks, meaning they use Android Instrumentation to inspect and interact with Activities under test. At Google, we started out by using Robotium because it was more convenient than stock instrumentation (hats off to Robotium developers for making it so). However, it … Read more

How to Enable Internal App Sharing for Android?

Try Below Options to Enable Internal App Sharing Option 1: Step 1: Open Play store. Step 2: Navigate to Setting. (Click on the account profile picture. which is located at the top right corner of the screen) Step 3: To Enable Developer Options. (Goto > About Section. and Tap seven times on the Play Store … Read more

What’s the difference between src/androidtest and src/test folders?

src/androidTest is for unit tests that involves android instrumentation. src/test is for pure unit test that do not involve android framework. You can run tests here without running on a real device or on emulator. You can use both folders. Use the first one to test code that use Android framework. Use the second one … Read more

AndroidJUnit4.class is deprecated: How to use androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4?

According to the documentation for AndroidJUnit4, The gradle file should contain the following line: androidTestImplementation ‘androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1′ Change test class to AndroidJUnit4ClassRunner from AndroidJUnit4 If it still doesn’t work, make sure that you clean and/or rebuild your project. Also you can check the current version directly in Google’s maven repository