LiveData with shared preferences

The following awesome piece of code is LiveData Implementation of SharedPreference. It works perfectly. package com.chargingwatts.chargingalarm.util.preference; import android.arch.lifecycle.LiveData import android.content.SharedPreferences abstract class SharedPreferenceLiveData<T>(val sharedPrefs: SharedPreferences, val key: String, val defValue: T) : LiveData<T>() { private val preferenceChangeListener = SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { sharedPreferences, key -> if (key == this.key) { value = getValueFromPreferences(key, defValue) } } abstract … Read more

PreferenceFragment – Difference between getPreferenceManager() and getPreferenceScreen()?

The core difference is in their names, PreferenceManger grants access to different functionalities to the developer for managing SharedPreferences, such as retrieving the map of current preference values or setting user preferences. to their default values. PreferenceScreen handles displaying a screen of user preferences, so that the user can assign values to them. Sometimes this … Read more

How to examine SharedPreferences from adb shell?

Fine, I found the file just after I raised the question above. (It seem asking questions publicly stimulate me to search answers by myself much more diligently, since I don’t want my dear peers to view me as a lazy programmer.) It is an XML file under /data/data/, and the file name is It … Read more

Does the presenter having knowledge of the Activity / Context a bad idea in the MVP pattern?

It has been some time since you asked this question but I thought it would be useful to provide an answer anyway. I would strongly suggest that the presenter should have no concept of the Android Context (or any other Android classes). By completely separating your Presenter code from the Android system code you are … Read more

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