ExoPlayer and start / pause / seekTo commands

The official example of the PlayerControl in the ExoPlayer source code do exactly what you asked: public class PlayerControl implements MediaPlayerControl { private final ExoPlayer exoPlayer; public PlayerControl(ExoPlayer exoPlayer) { this.exoPlayer = exoPlayer; } @Override public boolean canPause() { return true; } @Override public boolean canSeekBackward() { return true; } @Override public boolean canSeekForward() { … Read more

MediaPlayer : Should have subtitle controller already set: KitKat

Looking at a previous discussion on StackOverflow, and the referenced Android commit where this was introduced, the code above might not completely initialize the MediaPlayer object. The KitKat example code for media playback suggests that you should call: mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); immediately after you construct the MediaPlayer, and before you call its setDataSource method.
