Error type 3: Activity Class {…} does not exist
In build.gradle, the line: apply plugin: ‘android-library’ needs changed to: apply plugin: ‘’
How to fix “Error generating final archive: duplicate entry: AndroidManifest.xml”
I figured out what the problem was. I included a JAR file that had an AndroidManifest.xml file in it, which was conflicting with my own project’s AndroidManifest.xml file. The solution in my instance was to rebuild the JAR file, making sure it excluded its own version of AndroidManifest.xml, then to re-include the new version of … Read more
Android studio 3.5 refactor issue
You just need to set xml layout for Android applications from the settings. Follow this steps: 1. Go to Android Studio > Preferences. For Windows, go to File > Settings. 2. Search for xml in search bar. 3. Under code style section, select xml tab. 4. In the top right corner, click on set from… … Read more
How is an Intent Service Declared in the Android Manifest?
In your manifest you declare a service with android:name=”.Communication”, this means that your service class should be located in com.exercise.AndroidClient.Communication Check that the packages are correct. Note that the “.” (dot) refers to the root of your package (ie the package declared in the manifest). So, for example, if your package is com.exercise.AndroidClient and your … Read more