IllegalArgumentException: column ‘_data’ does not exist

As per given answer by CommonsWare, the solution code is : public static String getFilePathFromURI(Context context, Uri contentUri) { //copy file and send new file path String fileName = getFileName(contentUri); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { File copyFile = new File(TEMP_DIR_PATH + File.separator + fileName); copy(context, contentUri, copyFile); return copyFile.getAbsolutePath(); } return null; } public static String getFileName(Uri … Read more

Android 7 Native Crash: tgkill

Looking at the dump you provided gives some clues: _ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv This indicates that the error occurred in the UI thread. x 6 This indicates that this is happening in the middle of some graphics/ui related code. – __android_log_assert This is an assert handler, so most likely some kind of assert was violated in … Read more

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