Why WCAG made 3 level “A”, “AA” and “AAA”?

WCAG 2.0 is divided into three conformance levels (A-AA-AAA) because the success criteria are organised based on the impact they have on design or visual presentation of the pages. The higher the level, the more restraining it becomes on design. For example, let’s take guideline 1.4 (Distinguishable), which is about making it easier for users … Read more

Making a clickable accessible through tab structure?

I note the question is tagged WCAG and “accessibility”. The answer to your question is therefore “don’t do that.” The other answers on this page will all work fine, for everyone except the people who need it to work, i.e. those using screenreaders or other assistive technology. None of the javascript-based solutions here are WCAG … Read more

How to label a loading animation for WAI-ARIA?

The best solution I could come up with was using role alert, and aria-busy=”true”. <div id=”loading” style=”display: none;”> <div class=”mgBot15″><span class=”txt16″ role=”alert” aria-busy=”true”>Working…</span></div> <img src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38704467/loading.png” alt=”loading” /> </div>

tabindex -1 not working for child elements

Not sure why nobody has mentioned visibility: hidden yet. Setting display: none can in some cases mess up logic when dealing with dimensions of non-visual elements. visibility will persist the dimensions just like opacity: 0 would do, but also disable any tabbable children. Example: <div style=”visibility: hidden;”> <a href=”#”>I’m only tabbable if my parent is … Read more

Is it possible to use javascript to detect if a screen reader is running on a users machine?

You should probably not try to do anything special even if you could detect that a screenreader is running. Even if you get it right for one group of screenreader users, you may get it wrong for another group. It’s best to concentrate on writing good clean HTML5 in the first place. Note that not … Read more

What are some good computer science resources for a blind programmer?

You might find the Experiences of a Blind Computer Scientist a good read. MIT’s Open Courseware would be a good resource for you with the amount of videos/audio they have. Really though, for the core computer-science topics I find it pretty hard to beat some of the better textbooks out there. Some offer digital versions … Read more

Should I have aside element ouside or inside of main element?

In HTML5 it’s only defined that aside is “related to the content around the aside element”. In HTML 5.1 (CR) the definition became more specific, as it now says that aside is “related to the content of the parenting sectioning content“. Following the newer definition, the aside element should be inside of the section element … Read more

Accessibility focus of childviews in nestedscrollview

You can use announce for accessibility option in this case. anounceForAccessibility added in API level 16 public void announceForAccessibility (CharSequence text) Convenience method for sending a AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT AccessibilityEvent to make an announcement which is related to some sort of a context change for which none of the events representing UI transitions is a good fit. … Read more

When to use the required attribute vs the aria-required attribute for input elements?

When John Foliot wrote that article in 2012 it was very much true. You needed both. Today that is no longer the case. I can take your example, put it in a CodePen, and check it in JAWS and NVDA (sorry, no VoiceOver today): <label for=”textbox1″>Input</label> <input id=”textbox1″ type=”text” name=”Text Box” required> You will be … Read more
