How to keep focus within modal dialog?

Edit February 1, 2024: The inert attribute is now fully stable and can be used to prevent a user escaping a modal by making everything outside the modal inert. Additionally, you can use the dialog element with the showModal function to handle modal dialog focus automatically. Using showModal will open the dialog element as a … Read more

What are the accessibility implications of using a framework like angularjs?

All the same principles apply, such as using alt text for images, good use of headings, use the appropriate HTML(5) structures for content. You might be creating it via JavaScript, but screen readers of the last ~5 years understand that, and use the browser’s accessibility API to access the DOM. The non-JavaScript aspect is simply … Read more

What is the difference between aria-owns and aria-controls

Both aria-controls and aria-owns are used when the relation between the two element can’t be determined from the DOM hierarchy itself. aria-controls is intended to indicate that an element controls another one. E.g. control buttons for a video for instance, a toolbar for a visual editor or a button for a collapsible element. Screen readers … Read more

How to handle JavaScript being disabled in AngularJS

After considering other answers on this question and “How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?” as well as some further research on AngularJS. First off you will want to hide all variables displayed through the databindings. This can be done using ng-cloak which is appended to an HTML tag. <div ng-cloak> <!– page content here … Read more