Thanks for this interesting question. There are few more things to consider here.
What is a pair? Two elements together. So we need a tag for this.
Let’s say it is pair
The pair contains the key, and the corresponding value:
Then, we need to list the pairs:
The next thing to consider, is the display of the pairs.
The usual layout is the tabular one:
key value
key value
and the optional separator, which is usually colon:
key : value
key : value
The colons can be easily added via CSS, but this certainly won’t work in IE.
Case described above is the ideal one. But there is no valid HTML markup to fit in this easily.
To sum up:
is semantically closest, for simple cases of key and value, but is hard to apply visual styles
(eg. to display the pairs inline or to add red border to just hovered pair). The case which fits most for dl
is glossary. But this is not the case we discuss.
The only alternative I can see in this case is to use table
, like this:
<table summary="This are the key and value pairs">
<caption>Some notes about semantics</caption>
<thead class="aural if not needed">
<tr><th scope="col">keys</th><th scope="col">values</th></tr>
<tbody class="group1">
<tr><th scope="row">key1</th><td>value1</td></tr>
<tr><th scope="row">key2</th><td>value2</td></tr>
<tbody class="group2">
<tr><th scope="row">key3</th><td>value3</td></tr>
<tr><th scope="row">key4</th><td>value4</td></tr>
One more:
<li><strong>key</strong> value</li>
<li><strong>key</strong> value</li>
<li><b>key</b> value</li>
<li><b>key</b> value</li>
or, when the keys may be linked:
<li><a href="">key1</a> value</li>
<li><a href="">key1</a> value</li>
The key and value pairs are usually stored in database, and those usually store tabular data,
so the table would fit best IMHO.
What do you think?