Return multiple values from a C# asynchronous method

After playing with the code I was able to figure it out. Here is the solution.

        public async Task DeleteSchoolTask(int schoolNumber, int taskDetailId)
            var result = await GetTaskTypeAndId(taskDetailId);
            int taskId = result.Item1;
            string taskType = result.Item2;

            // step 1: delete attachment physically from server
            var fileService = new FileService(Logger, CurrentUser);
            var relativeFilePath = $"{schoolNumber}\\{Consts.RM_SCHOOL}\\{taskDetailId}";
            fileService.DeleteAttachmentFolderFromServer(Consts.CONFIG_SMP_UPLOADFILE_ROOTPATH, relativeFilePath);

            // step 2: delete records from database
            await _routineMaintenanceRepo.Value.DeleteSchoolTask(taskDetailId);

        public async Task<(int, string)> GetTaskTypeAndId(int taskDetailId)
            var detailRecord = await _routineMaintenanceRepo.Value.GetDetailRecord(taskDetailId);

            int taskId = 0;
            string taskType = "";

            switch (detailRecord.TaskType)
                case 1:
                    taskId = (int)detailRecord.RoutineMaintenanceTaskId;
                    taskType = Consts.RM_DEFAULT;
                case 2:
                    taskId = (int)detailRecord.RoutineMaintenanceTaskDuplicateId;
                    taskType = Consts.RM_DUPLICATE;
                case 3:
                    taskId = (int)detailRecord.RoutineMaintenanceTaskSchoolId;
                    taskType = Consts.RM_SCHOOL;
            return (taskId, taskType);

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