Release build but debugging enabled

I’m using Visual Studio for Mac and came across this same “Archive built with debugging enabled” warning after creating an archive of the Android project.

To fix this, do the following:

  1. Go into the Android project options (double-click on the Android project).
  2. Select the Compiler options.
  3. In the “Debug information” drop-down menu, select None (mine had the Portable option selected). Do this configuration for the Release build (the “Configuration” drop-down menu at the top says Release (Active)).
  4. Click on the Android Build options and take a look at the “Debugging Options”. The Enable developer instrumentation (debugging and profiling)setting should be greyed out (and the checkbox should be unchecked). The setting is greyed out because of what was done in step 3.
  5. Publish the project.

So the problem was that by default the “Debug Information” wasn’t set to None.

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