Phpstorm Editor fonts on linux systems

Following the PhpStorm issue, here is what I added to phpstorm64.vmoptions (that I have installed in /usr/local/bin/PhpStorm/bin/):


I also did the trick of opening the font in FontForge:

  • Ctrl+A (select all chars)
  • Hints -> Clear Hints
  • Hints -> Clear Instructions
  • File -> Generate Font

I put it in ~/fonts/

I am running Ubuntu 12.10 and after all that, everything looks quite great (I did it for Ubuntu Mono).

The only problem I noticed is that -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp leads to great editor font rendering, but poor rendering for menus and other stuffs. Whereas -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd gives awesome font rendering for menus, but less good font rendering in the editor. So try both and pick the one you prefer.

Update: on Ubuntu 13.10, I have no problem anymore.

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