PG::InvalidParameterValue: ERROR: invalid value for parameter “client_min_messages”: “panic”

To make it work with PostgreSQL version 12, I monkey patched PostgreSQLAdapter class to replace ‘panic’ with ‘warning’ message.
Note, if you can upgrade activerecord gem to 4.2.6 or higher versions you don’t need to have this monkey patch. I had to do this because my project depends on gem activerecord-

require 'active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter'

class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter
  def set_standard_conforming_strings
    old, self.client_min_messages = client_min_messages, 'warning'
    execute('SET standard_conforming_strings = on', 'SCHEMA') rescue nil
    self.client_min_messages = old

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