Currently there’s no compile-time optimisation; the values are padded to 8 bytes on x64.
You can manually arrange structs to optimally utilise space; typically by going from larger types to smaller; 8 consecutive byte fields for example, will only use 8 bytes, but a single byte would be padded to an 8 byte alignment, consider this:
package main
import (
type Compact struct {
a, b uint64
c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j byte
// Larger memory footprint than "Compact" - but less fields!
type Inefficient struct {
a uint64
b byte
c uint64
d byte
func main() {
newCompact := new(Compact)
newInefficient := new(Inefficient)
If you take this into consideration; you can optimise the memory footprint of your structs.