Once grammar is complete, what’s the best way to walk an ANTLR v4 tree?

I wouldn’t walk this manually if I were you. After generating a lexer and parser, ANTLR would also have generated a file called CfscriptBaseListener that has empty methods for all of your parser rules. You can let ANTLR walk your tree and attach a custom tree-listener in which you override only those methods/rules you’re interested in.

In your case, you probably want to be notified whenever a new function is created (to create a new scope) and you’ll probably be interested in variable assignments (variableStatement and nonVarVariableStatement). Your listener, let’s call is VarListener will keep track of all scopes as ANTLR walks the tree.

I did change 1 rule slightly (I added objectLiteralEntry):

    : '{' (objectLiteralEntry (',' objectLiteralEntry)*)? '}'

    : Identifier '=' expression

which makes life easier in the following demo:


public class VarListener extends CfscriptBaseListener {

    private Stack<Scope> scopes;

    public VarListener() {
        scopes = new Stack<Scope>();
        scopes.push(new Scope(null));

    public void enterVariableStatement(CfscriptParser.VariableStatementContext ctx) {
        String varName = ctx.variableName().getText();
        Scope scope = scopes.peek();

    public void enterNonVarVariableStatement(CfscriptParser.NonVarVariableStatementContext ctx) {
        String varName = ctx.variableName().getText();

    public void enterObjectLiteralEntry(CfscriptParser.ObjectLiteralEntryContext ctx) {
        String varName = ctx.Identifier().getText();

    public void enterFunctionDeclaration(CfscriptParser.FunctionDeclarationContext ctx) {
        scopes.push(new Scope(scopes.peek()));

    public void exitFunctionDeclaration(CfscriptParser.FunctionDeclarationContext ctx) {

    private void checkVarName(String varName) {
        Scope scope = scopes.peek();
        if(scope.inScope(varName)) {
            System.out.println("OK   : " + varName);
        else {
            System.out.println("Oops : " + varName);

A Scope object could be as simple as:


class Scope extends HashSet<String> {

    final Scope parent;

    public Scope(Scope parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    boolean inScope(String varName) {
        if(super.contains(varName)) {
            return true;
        return parent == null ? false : parent.inScope(varName);

Now, to test this all, here’s a small main class:


import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        CfscriptLexer lexer = new CfscriptLexer(new ANTLRFileStream("Test.cfc"));
        CfscriptParser parser = new CfscriptParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
        ParseTree tree = parser.component();
        ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(new VarListener(), tree);

If you run this Main class, the following will be printed:

Oops : testing
Oops : testingagain
OK   : test
Oops : mystuff
Oops : interior
Oops : third
Oops : other
Oops : something

Without a doubt, this is not exactly what you want and I probably goofed up some scoping rules of Coldfusion. But I think this will give you some insight in how to solve your problem properly. I think the code is pretty self explanatory, but if this is not the case, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.


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