NSWindowController clarification of understanding

What are window controllers actually for?

Window controllers are tools to load a window from a NIB file and for managing the memory of the resources allocated in the NIB. Before there where NSWindowControllers one basically had to write the same code for every window or invent an own window controller class.

Of course they are also controllers in the Model/View/Controller sense, so they are the right place to connect the views from the window to the model objects. To do this they often need to act as the delegate or data source for a view object. So you got this part perfectly right.

Also window controllers are a tool for code reuse. It makes it easy to drop the window controller class and it’s XIB/NIB into another project and use it there.

So yes, every window from a NIB should be owned by a window controller, with one exception. Actually, this is just a guideline for good code, nothing enforces it.

WindowControllers and MainMenu.xib

MainMenu.xib is a different thing, there you can’t use a window controller. This NIB gets loaded by NSApplication so this has to be it’s “Files owner”. There is no way to get a window controller between the NSApplication and the NIB. It also isn’t necessary to use a window controller for memory management there, since the application object lives for the entire runtime of the program, so it doesn’t have to clean up it’s resources from the NIB when it gets deallocated.

If you really need a window controller for your main window you cannot put this in the MainMenu.xib.

I hope this helps. There probably is a lot more to say about window controllers too

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