Limiting the number of characters in a ContentEditable div

Pass the event object to your function and call e.preventDefault() if the maximum is reached:

var content_id = 'editable_div';

max = 10;

//binding keyup/down events on the contenteditable div
$('#'+content_id).keyup(function(e){ check_charcount(content_id, max, e); });
$('#'+content_id).keydown(function(e){ check_charcount(content_id, max, e); });

function check_charcount(content_id, max, e)
    if(e.which != 8 && $('#'+content_id).text().length > max)
       // $('#'+content_id).text($('#'+content_id).text().substring(0, max));

Although, you may need to do a little more to allow the user to do things like ‘delete’.

Also, you could probably get rid of the keyup handler. keydown should be enough.

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