I’ve had a similar issue where I was getting errSecItemNotFound
with any Keychain-related action but only on a simulator. On real device it was perfect, I’ve tested with latest Xcodes (beta, GM, stable) on different simulators and the ones that were giving me a hard time were iOS 13 ones.
The problem was that I was using kSecClassKey
in query attribute kSecClass
, but without the ‘required’ values (see what classes go with which values here) for generating a primary key:
And what helped was to pick kSecClassGenericPassword
for kSecClass
and provide the ‘required’ values for generating a primary key:
See here on more about kSecClass types and what other attributes should go with them.
I came to this conclusion by starting a new iOS 13 project and copying over the Keychain wrapper that was used in our app, as expected that did not work so I’ve found this lovely guide on using keychain here and tried out their wrapper which no surprise worked, and then went line by line comparing my implementation with theirs.
This issue already reported in radar: http://openradar.appspot.com/7251207
Hope this helps.