You can do this without additional plugins:
- place cursor on the tag
- vat – will select the (outer) tag and place cursor on the end
- once you’ve got your selection you can toggle between the top and bottom with o (update based on Michael Gruber’s note)
- c – change or, y – copy or, escape for leaving visual mode …
Another useful operation is: vit – will select content of the tag (inner).
Update (thanks to @elrado) Example: vito will enable you to select inner content of the tag and position cursor on the beginning of the selected text.
Vim reference (thanks to @Geek for noting this out):
:help visual-operators
you’ll get:
4. Operating on the Visual area *visual-operators*
The objects that can be used are:
at a <tag> </tag> block (with tags) |v_at|
it inner <tag> </tag> block |v_it|