jQuery watch div

The jQuery .change() method works only for form fields.

I wrote a little jQuery plugin for you:

<!-- jQuery is required -->

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- this is the plugin -->

  jQuery.fn.contentChange = function(callback){
    var elms = jQuery(this);
        var elm = jQuery(this);
        elm.data("lastContents", elm.html());
        window.watchContentChange = window.watchContentChange ? window.watchContentChange : [];
        window.watchContentChange.push({"element": elm, "callback": callback});
    return elms;
      for( i in window.watchContentChange){
        if(window.watchContentChange[i].element.data("lastContents") != window.watchContentChange[i].element.html()){
          window.watchContentChange[i].element.data("lastContents", window.watchContentChange[i].element.html())

<!-- some divs to test it with -->

<p>Testing it:  (click on divs to change contents)</p>

<div id="a" onclick="$(this).append('i')">Hi</div>
<div id="b" onclick="$(this).append('o')">Ho</div>
<div class="c" onclick="$(this).append('y')">He</div>
<div class="c" onclick="$(this).append('w')">He</div>
<div class="c" onclick="$(this).append('a')">He</div>

<!-- this is how to actually use it -->

  function showChange(){
    var element = $(this);
    alert("it was '"+element.data("lastContents")+"' and now its '"+element.html()+"'");

  $('#a').contentChange(function(){  alert("Hi!") });
  $('div#b').contentChange( showChange );
  $('.c').contentChange(function(){  alert("He he he...") });

Be aware that this watches changes in the contents of the element (html) only, not the attributes.

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