Is there a way to configure vimdiff to ignore ALL whitespaces?

This implements what you want (taken from the diffexpr docs with -b changed to -w):

set diffopt+=iwhite
set diffexpr=DiffW()
function DiffW()
  let opt = ""
   if &diffopt =~ "icase"
     let opt = opt . "-i "
   if &diffopt =~ "iwhite"
     let opt = opt . "-w " " swapped vim's -b with -w
   silent execute "!diff -a --binary " . opt .
     \ v:fname_in . " " . v:fname_new .  " > " . v:fname_out

… I’m still looking for a better diffexpr helper with respect to handling which lines map to which (GNU diff, even with -w instead of -b, is rather baffled by combining extra whitespace with minor edits like commented lines). Maybe diffchar?

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