Is there a package to marshal in and out of x-www-form-urlencoding in golang

gorilla/schema is popular and well maintained:


func FormHandler(w http.RequestWriter, r *http.Request) {

    err := r.ParseForm()
    if err != nil {
         // handle error
    person := new(Person) // Person being a struct type
    decoder := schema.NewDecoder()

    err = decoder.Decode(person, r.Form)
    if err != nil {
         // handle error


goforms is also an alternative.

Update May 23rd 2015:

  • gorilla/schema is still my pick as one of the most-supported map-to-struct packages, with POST form values being a common use-case.
  • goji/param is also fairly solid and has many of the same features.
  • mholt/binding is a little more feature packed at the (IMO) expense of a slightly more complex API.

I’ve been using gorilla/schema for a couple of years now and haven’t had any major issues with it. I use it in conjunction with vala for validating inputs (not nil, too short, too long, etc) before they hit the DB.

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