“Illegal instance declaration” when declaring instance of IsString

After having a look through the GHC manuals and around the Haskell wiki (especially the List instance page), I’ve got a better idea of how this works. Here’s a summary of what I’ve learned:


The Haskell Report defines an instance declaration like this:

The type (T u1 … uk) must take the form of a type constructor T applied to simple type variables u1, … uk; furthermore, T must not be a type synonym, and the ui must all be distinct.

The parts highlighted in bold are the restrictions that tripped me up. In English, they are:

  1. Anything after the type constructor must be a type variable.
  2. You can’t use a type alias (using the type keyword) to get around rule 1.

So how does this relate to my problem?

[Word16] is just another way of writing [] Word16. In other words, [] is the constructor and Word16 is its argument.

So if we try to write:

instance IsString [Word16]

which is the same as

instance IsString ([] Word16) where ...

it won’t work, because it violates rule 1, as the compiler kindly points out.

Trying to hide it in a type synonym with

type String16 = [Word16]
instance IsString String16 where ...

won’t work either, because it violates part 2.

So as it stands, it is impossible to get [Word16] (or a list of anything, for that matter) to implement IsString in standard Haskell.

Enter… (drumroll please)

Solution #1: newtype

The solution @ehird suggested is to wrap it in a newtype:

newtype String16 = String16 { unString16 :: [Word16] }
instance IsString String16 where ...

It gets around the restrictions because String16 is no longer an alias, it’s a new type (excuse the pun)! The only downside to this is we then have to wrap and unwrap it manually, which is annoying.

Solution #2: Flexible instances

At the expense of portability, we can drop the restriction altogether with flexible instances:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

instance IsString [Word16] where ...

This was the solution @[Daniel Wagner] suggested.

Solution #3: Equality constraints

Finally, there’s an even less portable solution using equality constraints:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

instance (a ~ Word16) => IsString [a] where ...

This works better with type inference, but is more likely to overlap. See Chris Done’s article on the topic.

(By the way, I ended up making a foldl' wrapper around Data.Text.Internal and writing the hash on top of that.)

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