This is ‘new’ functionality in IE8!
Checkj out the IE8 blog below to read about it.
IE8 can use multiple processes for handling an x number of IE windows. When you cross a process space, you loose your cookies (Asp.Net session ID seems to be retained over this process boundry).
I personally think it’s broken or a bug. As we know, when browing to the ‘same domain target’ cookies should be maintained and resent. That IE8 has different processing behavior for security.. Great! that it is behaving badly and ‘drops cookies even if going to the same target domain in another window’ is just a bug in my view.
You can modify the number of processes IE8 uses through the internet explorer options ehh.. modifying a registry setting!!!!!! (this is what makes it a bug in my view. IE providing a UI to modify these settings would make it ‘enterprise level acceptable’.
Marvin Smit