How to make the debugging in playframework in IntelliJ Idea

Most convenient way to run/debug applications in intellij IDEA is the following.

Menu command: Run -> Edit Configuration!

Edit configuration

Add new configuration -> Application

Then fill up the fields:

Main class:


VM Parameters:


You should have something similar:

configuration screen

If you did it correctly, then you can run and stop your app right from IDE

EDIT for Play! 2

Play 2 has good documentation for debugging. So go read it. But if you want to investigate run/debug buttons method – read further.

It is different for Play 2.


Main class:


VM Parameters:


You still can debug your application by pressing debug button but I have not figured out some issues:

  • It always starts in PROD mode, so you can’t make hot code changes.

  • RUNNING_PID. There is an error when you restart your debugging session saying that you have to delete this file.

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