How to keep focus within modal dialog?

Edit February 1, 2024:

The inert attribute is now fully stable and can be used to prevent a user escaping a modal by making everything outside the modal inert. Additionally, you can use the dialog element with the showModal function to handle modal dialog focus automatically. Using showModal will open the dialog element as a modal dialog and the browser will disable the focus of everything else on the page.

Original answer

There is currently no easy way to achieve this. The inert attribute was proposed to try to solve this problem by making any element with the attribute and all of it’s children inaccessible. However, adoption has been slow and only recently did it land in Chrome Canary behind a flag.

Another proposed solution is making a native API that would keep track of the modal stack, essentially making everything not currently the top of the stack inert. I’m not sure the status of the proposal, but it doesn’t look like it will be implemented any time soon.

So where does that leave us?

Unfortunately without a good solution. One solution that is popular is to create a query selector of all known focusable elements and then trap focus to the modal by adding a keydown event to the last and first elements in the modal. However, with the rise of web components and shadow DOM, this solution can no longer find all focusable elements.

If you always control all the elements within the dialog (and you’re not creating a generic dialog library), then probably the easiest way to go is to add an event listener for keydown on the first and last focusable elements, check if tab or shift tab was used, and then focus the first or last element to trap focus.

If you’re creating a generic dialog library, the only thing I have found that works reasonably well is to either use the inert polyfill or make everything outside of the modal have a tabindex=-1.

var nonModalNodes;

function openDialog() {    
  var modalNodes = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('dialog *') );

  // by only finding elements that do not have tabindex="-1" we ensure we don't
  // corrupt the previous state of the element if a modal was already open
  nonModalNodes = document.querySelectorAll('body *:not(dialog):not([tabindex="-1"])');

  for (var i = 0; i < nonModalNodes.length; i++) {
    var node = nonModalNodes[i];
    if (!modalNodes.includes(node)) {
      // save the previous tabindex state so we can restore it on close
      node._prevTabindex = node.getAttribute('tabindex');
      node.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
      // tabindex=-1 does not prevent the mouse from focusing the node (which
      // would show a focus outline around the element). prevent this by disabling
      // outline styles while the modal is open
      // @see"none";

function closeDialog() {
  // close the modal and restore tabindex
  if (this.type === 'modal') { = null;
    // restore or remove tabindex from nodes
    for (var i = 0; i < nonModalNodes.length; i++) {
      var node = nonModalNodes[i];
      if (node._prevTabindex) {
        node.setAttribute('tabindex', node._prevTabindex);
        node._prevTabindex = null;
      else {
      } = null;

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