How to integrate WebStorm with Vue.js

WebStorm now supports vue.js (starting from 2017.1 [blog])

So no additional steps required


This is the checklist of ways to improve WebStorm(PhpStorm, Idea, etc.) experience:

  1. Use Vue.js plugin.

UPDATE: Both plugins have own problems atm

  • vue-for-idea has weird side-effects (hiding node_modules from project view);
  • John Kelly’s Vue.js plugin force you to use special declarations for ES6 and scss, sass (see deprecated section below)

You can install it via Settings(Preferences) => Plugins => Browse repositories => (search for) “vue”

choose one or both: “Vue.js” or “vue-for-idea”. It’s up to you.

  1. Set “Javascript Language Version” to ES6.

Open Settings(Preferences) => Language & Frameworks =>
JavaScript. Set Javascript Language Version to ECMAcript6

  1. Improve HTML-tag’s attributes highlighting

Open Settings(Preferences) => Editor => Inspection => HTML =>
select Unknown HTML tag attributes => click Custom HTML tag attributes.
Add your attributes.

For example, my list:


P.S. For the full list of custom tags check @Alex’s answer below

P.P.S. Actually it’s should work in more common way:

Open Settings(Preferences) => Languages & Frameworks => Javascript =>
Libraries => click Add
(after this you should set path to the vue.js. You can dowmload it with npm or whatever)

(More info in this answer:

But I didn’t get success with that.

  1. Enable Node.js Coding Assistance:

Open Settings(Preferences) => Languages & Frameworks => Node.js and NPM

If “Node.js core library is not enabled”, click button Enabled

DEPRECATED (may be required if you don’t use vue plugins for IDE):

  1. Make *.vue files to be recognized as a html flies.

Open Settings(Preferences) => Editor =>File Types find HTML in
Recognized File Types, then add *.vue as a new Registered

  1. Improve ES6 highlight.

In each vue file with tag:

    <script type="text/babel">
        // your code here...

(This is would help to recognise constructions like setTimeout(() => {console.log(1) }, 100))

  1. Improve styles highlight. (sass, scss, etc)

In each vue file with tag:

    <style lang="sass" rel="stylesheet/sass">
        // your style here...

For scss it’s gonna be <style lang="scss" type="text/scss">

For stylus please try <style lang="stylus" type="text/stylus">

UPD: The steps below are not so trusted, they may helps, or may not, some of them I didn’t check personally, or I didn’t catch is any effect exist or not.

  1. Import TextMate Bundle functionality.

  1. Import TypeScript tables for vue.

Open Settings(Preferences) => Language & Frameworks =>
JavaScript => Libraries. Click Download, Switch to TypeScript community stubs. And download all tabs with vue word.

Example: (from 1:24)

UPD2: For more info check the issue at github:


  1. Can I improve pug(jade) highlight?

    • No. Because Webstorm doesn’t support template language injection… Issue has been up since 2013 with no official word.

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