If you like, you could declare an infix
to do it.
// Put this at file level anywhere in your project
infix operator ^^ { associativity left precedence 160 }
func ^^ (radix: Int, power: Int) -> Int {
return Int(pow(Double(radix), Double(power)))
// ...
// Then you can do this...
let i = 2 ^^ 3
// ... or
println("2³ = \(2 ^^ 3)") // Prints 2³ = 8
I used two carets so you can still use the XOR operator.
Update for Swift 3
In Swift 3 the “magic number” precedence
is replaced by precedencegroups
precedencegroup PowerPrecedence { higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence }
infix operator ^^ : PowerPrecedence
func ^^ (radix: Int, power: Int) -> Int {
return Int(pow(Double(radix), Double(power)))
// ...
// Then you can do this...
let i2 = 2 ^^ 3
// ... or
print("2³ = \(2 ^^ 3)") // Prints 2³ = 8