How to enable X11 forwarding in PyCharm SSH session?

So I was able to patch up jsch and test this out and it worked great.

Using X11 forwarding

You will need to do the following to use X11 forwarding in PyCharm:
– Install an X Server if you don’t already have one. On Windows this might be the VcXsrv project, on Mac OS X the XQuartz project.
– Download or compile the jsch package. See instructions for compilation below.
– Backup jsch-0.1.54.jar in your pycharm’s lib folder and replace it with the patched version. Start Pycharm with a remote environment and make sure to remove any instances of the DISPLAY environment variable you might have set in the run/debug configuration.


Here is what you need to do on a Mac OS or Linux system with Maven installed.

unzip download
cd jsch-0.1.54
sed -e 's|x11_forwarding=false|x11_forwarding=true|g' -e 's|xforwading=false|xforwading=true|g' -i src/main/java/com/jcraft/jsch/*.java
sed -e 's|<version>0.1.53</version>|<version>0.1.54</version>|g' -i pom.xml
mvn clean package

This will create jsch-0.1.54.jar in target folder.

X11 Enabled

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