How to connect Visual Studio 2019 to TFS?

Richard suggested:

Team | Manage Connections then click on manage connections, from where you can connect to servers. “Connect to a Project” form/dialog ..

thanks for this comment !

i.e. in Visual Studio Pro 2019, the option is “Add Azure DevOps Server” even though wanting to add TFS server.


enter image description here

In Visual Studio Pro 2017, it looks like this:

enter image description here

At first I have tried (successfully) File, Source Control menu options.
i.e. File | Source Control | Advanced | Open From Server ..

Question then was: “How do I switch Visual Studio Pro 2019 from TFS back to Azure DevOps?”

I have been using Git Gui and Git Bash for working with Azure DevOps so this wasn’t so important.

I worked out how to switch between TFS and Azure DevOps projects also via use of this dialog form:

enter image description here

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