How to call a vue.js function on page load

You can call this function in beforeMount section of a Vue component: like following:

     getUnits: function() {...}

Working fiddle:

There are different lifecycle hooks Vue provide:

I have listed few are :

  1. beforeCreate: Called synchronously after the instance has just been initialized, before data observation and event/watcher setup.
  2. created: Called synchronously after the instance is created. At this stage, the instance has finished processing the options which means the following have been set up: data observation, computed properties, methods, watch/event callbacks. However, the mounting phase has not been started, and the $el property will not be available yet.
  3. beforeMount: Called right before the mounting begins: the render function is about to be called for the first time.
  4. mounted: Called after the instance has just been mounted where el is replaced by the newly created vm.$el.
  5. beforeUpdate: Called when the data changes, before the virtual DOM is re-rendered and patched.
  6. updated: Called after a data change causes the virtual DOM to be re-rendered and patched.

You can have a look at complete list here.

You can choose which hook is most suitable to you and hook it to call you function like the sample code provided above.

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