How to architecture a webapp using jquery-mobile and knockoutjs

Note: As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live().

I’m working on the same thing (knockout + jquery mobile). I’m trying to write a blog post about what I’ve learned but here are some pointers in the meantime. Remember that I’m also trying to learn knockout/jquery mobile.

View-Model and Page

Only use one (1) view-model object per jQuery Mobile-page. Otherwise you can get problems with click-events that are triggered multiple times.

View-Model and click

Only use ko.observable-fields for view-models click-events.

ko.applyBinding once

If possible: only call ko.applyBinding once for every page and use ko.observable’s instead of calling ko.applyBinding multiple times.

pagehide and ko.cleanNode

Remember to clean up some view-models on pagehide.
ko.cleanNode seems to disturb jQuery Mobiles rendering – causing it to re-render the html. If you use ko.cleanNode on a page you need to remove data-role’s and insert the rendered jQuery Mobile html in the source code.

$('#field').live('pagehide', function() {

pagehide and click

If you are binding to click-events – remember to clean up .ui-btn-active. The easiest way to accomplish this is using this code snippet:

$('[data-role="page"]').live('pagehide', function() {

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