How does SSO (Single Sign On) work

Well, there are certainly many ways to achieve it, and it can be tricky. I can give you one solution as an example:

Consider two apps on different subdomains:

The Fine Corinthian Turkey Shop (
Rent a Baboon (

These two web apps want to share signon, and arrange for a third hosted website for their single sign-on:

Then the flow is:

  1. Frank visits
  2. Turkey redirects to
  3. SSO presents user with login form, validates and issues token
  4. The token is saved in a cookie on SSO.
  5. User is now validated on SSO, but needs to get the token back to turkey.
  6. SSO stores a combination of (Guid, Token, Expiry) on the server, where Guid is a random guid and Expiry is something like 30 seconds.
  7. SSO sets a secure cookie on * containing the Guid
  8. SSO redirects back to
  9. Turkey can now retrieve the ticket from the cookie
  10. Turkey calls SSO server and exchanges the ticket for the token.
  11. Turkey stores token in the browser (typically a cookie)

Now let’s imagine that Frank wants some nice juicy baboons to go with that turkey:

  1. Frank visits:
  2. Monkey sees that Frank has no stored token and redirects to
  3. SSO sees that Frank is already logged in as he has a stored token.
  4. SSO stores a new (Guid, token, expiry) triple on the server
  5. Process is identical to the initial login the rest of the way

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