How does a parser (for example, HTML) work?

Tokenizing can be composed of a few steps, for example, if you have this html code:

        <title>My HTML Page</title>
        <p style="special">
            This paragraph has special style
            This paragraph is not special

the tokenizer may convert that string to a flat list of significant tokens, discarding whitespaces (thanks, SasQ for the correction):

["<", "html", ">", 
     "<", "head", ">", 
         "<", "title", ">", "My HTML Page", "</", "title", ">",
     "</", "head", ">",
     "<", "body", ">",
         "<", "p", "style", "=", "\"", "special", "\"", ">",
            "This paragraph has special style",
        "</", "p", ">",
        "<", "p", ">",
            "This paragraph is not special",
        "</", "p", ">",
    "</", "body", ">",
"</", "html", ">"

there may be multiple tokenizing passes to convert a list of tokens to a list of even higher-level tokens like the following hypothetical HTML parser might do (which is still a flat list):

[("<html>", {}), 
     ("<head>", {}), 
         ("<title>", {}), "My HTML Page", "</title>",
     ("<body>", {}),
        ("<p>", {"style": "special"}),
            "This paragraph has special style",
        ("<p>", {}),
            "This paragraph is not special",

then the parser converts that list of tokens to form a tree or graph that represents the source text in a manner that is more convenient to access/manipulate by the program:

("<html>", {}, [
    ("<head>", {}, [
        ("<title>", {}, ["My HTML Page"]),
    ("<body>", {}, [
        ("<p>", {"style": "special"}, ["This paragraph has special style"]),
        ("<p>", {}, ["This paragraph is not special"]),

at this point, the parsing is complete; and it is then up to the user to interpret the tree, modify it, etc.

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