How do you enumerate OptionSetType in Swift?

As of Swift 4, there are no methods in the standard library
to enumerate the elements of an OptionSetType (Swift 2) resp.
OptionSet (Swift 3, 4).

Here is a possible implementation which simply checks each bit
of the underlying raw value, and for each bit which is set,
the corresponding element is returned.
The “overflow multiplication” &* 2 is used as left-shift because << is only defined for the concrete integer types, but not for the IntegerType protocol.

Swift 2.2:

public extension OptionSetType where RawValue : IntegerType {

    func elements() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        var remainingBits = self.rawValue
        var bitMask: RawValue = 1
        return AnySequence {
            return AnyGenerator {
                while remainingBits != 0 {
                    defer { bitMask = bitMask &* 2 }
                    if remainingBits & bitMask != 0 {
                        remainingBits = remainingBits & ~bitMask
                        return Self(rawValue: bitMask)
                return nil

Example usage:

let weekdays: WeekdaySet = [.Monday, .Tuesday]
for weekday in weekdays.elements() {

// Output:
// WeekdaySet(rawValue: 2)
// WeekdaySet(rawValue: 4)

Swift 3:

public extension OptionSet where RawValue : Integer {

    func elements() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        var remainingBits = rawValue
        var bitMask: RawValue = 1
        return AnySequence {
            return AnyIterator {
                while remainingBits != 0 {
                    defer { bitMask = bitMask &* 2 }
                    if remainingBits & bitMask != 0 {
                        remainingBits = remainingBits & ~bitMask
                        return Self(rawValue: bitMask)
                return nil

Swift 4:

public extension OptionSet where RawValue: FixedWidthInteger {

    func elements() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        var remainingBits = rawValue
        var bitMask: RawValue = 1
        return AnySequence {
            return AnyIterator {
                while remainingBits != 0 {
                    defer { bitMask = bitMask &* 2 }
                    if remainingBits & bitMask != 0 {
                        remainingBits = remainingBits & ~bitMask
                        return Self(rawValue: bitMask)
                return nil

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