How do you “echo” the last configure/make build –options within a source directory?

Incredibly, somehow everyone else missed the canonical way to do this, which has been around since 2 years before this thread began. 🙂

I wondered the same thing as the OP and was disappointed by the lack of proper (non-ugly) ways to do this when I read this thread.

A few days later, while idly browsing release notes for Autoconf, I reached the release notes for Autoconf 2.65. And would you believe it?

Major changes in Autoconf 2.65 (2009-11-21) [stable]


config.status now provides a –config option to produce the configuration.

So, just running ./config.status --config does precisely what the OP asked for.

Here is the corresponding reference in the documentation: 17 config.status invocation, and a quote:


Print the configuration settings in reusable way, quoted for the shell, and exit. For example, for a debugging build that otherwise reuses the configuration from a different build directory build-dir of a package in src-dir, you could use the following:

args=`build-dir/config.status --config`
eval src-dir/configure "$args" CFLAGS=-g --srcdir=src-dir

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