How do I segment a document using Tesseract then output the resulting bounding boxes and labels

Success. Many thanks to the people at the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Research Lab (PRImA) for producing tools to handle this. You can obtain them freely on their website or github.

Below I give the full solution for a Mac running 10.10 and using the homebrew package manager. I use wine to run windows executables.


  1. Download tools: Tesseract OCR to Page (TPT) and Page Viewer (PVT)
  2. Use the TPT to run tesseract on your document and convert the HOCR xml to a PAGE xml
  3. Use the PVT to view the original image with the PAGE xml information overlaid


brew install wine  # takes a little while >10m
brew install gs    # only for generating a tif example. Not required, you can use Preview
brew install wget  # only for downloading example paper. Not required, you can do so manually!
cd ~/Downloads
wget -O paper.pdf ""
# This command can be ommitted and you can do the conversion to tiff with Preview
gs                          \
  -o paper-%d.tif           \
  -sDEVICE=tiff24nc         \
  -r300x300                 \

cd ~/Downloads
# ttptool is the location you downloaded the Tesseract to PAGE tool to
ttptool="/Users/Me/Project/tools/TesseractToPAGE 1.3"
# sudo chmod 777 "$ttptool/bin/PRImA_Tesseract-1-3-78.exe"
touch "$ttptool/log.txt"
wine "$ttptool/bin/PRImA_Tesseract-1-3-78.exe"   \
  -inp-img "$dl/Downloads/paper-3.tif"           \
  -out-xml "$dl/Downloads/paper-3-tool.xml"      \
  -rec-mode layout>>log.txt

# pvtool is the location you downloaded the PAGE Viewer tool to
pvtool="/Users/Me/Project/tools/PAGEViewerMacOS_1.1/JPageViewer 1.1 (Mac OS, 64 bit)"
cd "$pvtool"
java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar JPageViewer.jar "$dl/Downloads/paper-3-tool.xml" "$dl/Downloads/paper-3.tif"


Document with overlays (rollover to see text and type)
Doc with overlays
Overlays alone (use GUI buttons to toggle)
Overlays alone


You can run tesseract yourself and use another tool to convert its output to PAGE format. I was unable to get this to work but I’m sure you’ll be fine!

# Note that the pvtool does take as input HOCR xml but it ignores the region type
brew install tesseract --devel  # installs v 3.03 at time of writing
tesseract ~/Downloads/paper-3.tif ~/Downloads/paper-3 hocr
mv paper-3.hocr paper-3.xml  # The page viewer will only open XML files
java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar JPageViewer.jar "$dl/Downloads/paper-3.xml"

At this point you need to use the PAGE Converter Java Tool to convert the HOCR xml into a PAGE xml. It should go a little something like this:

pctool="/Users/Me/Project/tools/JPageConverter 1.0"
java -jar "$pctool/PageConverter.jar" -source-xml paper-3.xml -target-xml paper-3-hocrconvert.xml -convert-to LATEST

Unfortunately, I kept getting null pointers.

Could not convert to target XML schema format.
Could not save target PAGE XML file: paper-3-hocrconvert.xml

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