How can I maximize a split window?

You can employ Ctrl+WT (that’s a capital T) to move any open window to its own tab.

As mentioned by others Ctrl+W_ / Ctrl+W| to maximize within the current tab/window layout (while respecting min height/width settings for various other windows).

(Ctrl+W= resizes all windows to equal size, respecting the minimum height/width settings)

Edit To the comment

  1. start vim (e.g. gvim /tmp/test.cpp)
  2. invoke help :help various-motions – opens a split window
  3. move help into separate tab maximized: C-wT
  4. enjoy reading the fine manual 🙂
  5. move the help back into the original tab:

    • mA: set global mark A
    • ZZ: close help buffer/tab
    • C-wS: split original window
    • `A: jump to saved mark A

You can avoid using a mark for normal (non-help) buffers. Let me know if you’re interested.

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