How can I create a drawer / slider menu with Xamarin.Forms?

You create a new class which contains all the definitions for both the Master – i.e. the menu – and the Detail – i.e. the main page. I know, it sounds back-to-front, but for example..

using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace testXamForms
   public class HomePage : MasterDetailPage
   public HomePage()
     // Set up the Master, i.e. the Menu

     Label header = new Label
       Text = "MENU",
       Font = Font.BoldSystemFontOfSize(20),
       HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
    // create an array of the Page names
     string[] myPageNames = {
       “Page 2”,
       “Page 3”,

     // Create ListView for the Master page.
     ListView listView = new ListView
       ItemsSource = myPageNames,

     // The Master page is actually the Menu page for us
    this.Master = new ContentPage
       Title = "The Title is required.",
       Content = new StackLayout
         Children = 

     // Define a selected handler for the ListView contained in the Master (ie Menu) Page.

     listView.ItemSelected += (sender, args) =>
       // Set the BindingContext of the detail page.
       this.Detail.BindingContext = args.SelectedItem;
        Console.WriteLine("The args.SelectedItem is

     // This is where you would put your “go to one of the selected pages” 

       // Show the detail page.
       this.IsPresented = false;
    // Set up the Detail, i.e the Home or Main page.
     Label myHomeHeader = new Label
       Text = "Home Page",
       HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

     string[] homePageItems = { “Alpha”, “Beta”, “Gamma” };
     ListView myHomeView = new ListView {
       ItemsSource = homePageItems,

     var myHomePage = new ContentPage();
     myHomePage.Content = new StackLayout
       Children = 
       } ,
     this.Detail = myHomePage;

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