guidelines for where to put classes in Rails apps that don’t fit anywhere

Good question – i don’t have a concrete answer for you

but I recommend checking out this post
– be sure to read through all the comments

on a current project i have a ton of non-ActiveRecord objects under app/models, it works but not ideal
i put ‘re-useable’ non application specific code under lib

other alternatives I have tried on side projects (say we have a bunch of command objects)
rails is a pain when it comes to namespaces under app, it loads everything up into the same namespace by default

    products/create_command.rb         # Products::CreateCommand
    products/update_price_command.rb   # Products::UpdatePriceCommand

alternate, everything besides rails under src or an app_name directory

      create_product.rb         # Commands::CreateProduct
      update_product_price.rb   # Commands::UpdateProductPrice

I haven’t come across a good solution for this, ideally the 2nd one is better, but would be nice to not have the additional directory under app, that way you open app and see controllers, commands, models etc…

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